
The health disparities faced by people of color are shown in stark relief by the pandemic, say Tufts experts

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A new endowment supports education, research and civic engagement initiatives designed to support individuals and families who have been affected by the opioid crisis
Master of Public HealthThe Tufts University Master of Public Health Program arms you with the academic foundation and practical skills you need to make a difference in the community and around the globe.
Online Master of Science in Health Informatics & AnalyticsThe online Master of Science in Informatics & Analytics provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to start or advance a career in the emerging field of health informatics and analytics.
Dual DegreesExtend your studies and expand your career horizons with one of the many dual-degree programs in public health offered at Tufts School of Medicine.
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Tufts University School of Medicine’s Public Health Programs bring together groundbreaking academics and research, diverse fieldwork, and a collaborative, intimate learning approach that fosters new ideas and critical thinking. Our graduates are working locally and around the world to address a range of critical health and public health challenges.
COVID-19 Communications and Guidance
Guidance and information for the Tufts School of Medicine community around COVID-19.
Only 57 percent of Americans say they would get a COVID-19 vaccine
Vaccine interest higher among Whites and Hispanics, wealthier households, and Democrats
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